【活動/社群聚會】Raspberry Pi 讀書會 #04 @ 2014/12/22

Raspberry Pi Book Club #04 <English Version> The fourth time of the Raspberry Pi book club, and the selected book is "Raspberry Pi Cookbook". We will study the Ch8(GPIO Basics), Ch9(Controlling Hardware) and Ch10(Motors). There are one or two persons organized the key points in every meetup. If anyone who wants to present, please fill out the form. http://goo.gl/u5U5h9 Raspberry...

【活動/社群聚會】Raspberry Pi 讀書會 #03 會後資料 @ 2014/12/08

感謝大家的參與,這次討論得很熱烈,希望能藉由讀書會做有系統的介紹,讓更多朋友能瞭解/使用/創造 Raspberry Pi。 特別感謝 Walker,今天介紹了第五章(Python 基礎)、第六章(Python Lists and Dictionaries)和第七章(Python 進階),並現場示範許多範例,回答同學們的問題。   這次的投影片由我們小代打一下。 Raspberry Pi 讀書會 #03 | ch5, ch6, ch7 投影片下載 https://speakerdeck.com/piepie_tw/raspberry-pi-book-club-number-03 Raspberry Pi 讀書會 #03 | ch5, ch6, ch7

【活動/社群聚會】Raspberry Pi 讀書會 #03 @ 2014/12/08

Raspberry Pi Book Club #03 <English Version> The third time of the Raspberry Pi book club, and the selected book is "Raspberry Pi Cookbook". We will study the Ch5(Python Basics), Ch6(Python Lists and Dictionaries) and Ch7(Advanced Python). There are one or two persons organized the key points in every meetup. If anyone who wants to present, please fill out the form. http://goo.gl...

【活動/社群聚會】Raspberry Pi 讀書會 #02 @ 2014/11/24

Raspberry Pi Book Club #02 <English Version> The second time of the Raspberry Pi book club, and the selected book is "Raspberry Pi Cookbook". We will study the Ch3(Operation System) and Ch4(Software). There are one or two persons organized the key points in every meetup. If anyone who wants to present, please fill out the form. http://goo.gl/u5U5h9 Raspberry Pi Book Club #02 A...

【活動/社群聚會】Raspberry Pi 讀書會 #01 會後資料 @ 2014/11/10

感謝大家的參與,這次試行的結果還算順利,希望能藉由讀書會做有系統的介紹,讓更多朋友能瞭解/使用/創造 Raspberry Pi。 第一次聊天居多,所以領讀章節只有第一章,而且主要是現場的週邊硬體展示,但還是上傳投影片做個紀錄吧。 特別感謝 kazami,他將在第二次讀書會做第三章(作業系統)和第四章(軟體)的介紹。 Raspberry Pi 讀書會 #01 | ch1 投影片下載 https://speakerdeck.com/piepie_tw/raspberry-pi-book-club-number-01 Raspberry Pi 讀書會 #01

【活動/社群聚會】Raspberry Pi 讀書會 #01 @ 2014/11/10

Raspberry Pi Book Club #01 <English Version> The first time of the Raspberry Pi book club, and the selected book is "Raspberry Pi Cookbook". There are one or two persons organized the key points in every meetup. If anyone who wants to present, please fill out the form. http://goo.gl/u5U5h9 Raspberry Pi Book Club #01 Additional Information 2014/11/10 19:30 ~ 2014/11/10 21:...