【活動/社群聚會】Raspberry Pi 樹莓派社群聚會 #38 @2023/06/26 | 樹莓派在物聯網版本控制實務方案和擴增實境應用

Raspberry Pi 樹莓派社群聚會 #38 講者和講題 RSVP:Raspberry Pi Meetup #38 The 38th the Raspberry Pi meetup, the topic is "Raspberry Pi in IoT Version Control Practice Solution and Augmented Reality Application". Speaker 1: Taiten(Canonical) Topic:Fast version iteration and application deployment through Snap package Speaker 2: Tony Lin(MEGA1) Topic: AR augmented reality application sharing Addi...

【新聞】Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera 出來了! 樹莓派全域快門相機

圖片來源:New Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera for machine vision and more Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera 出來了! 運動攝影和機器視覺應用專用! Raspberry Pi 才剛推出 像素更高、可自動對焦、還有廣角類型可選擇的 Camera 3,又在四月推出 樹莓派全域/全局快門相機模組 (Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera) ! 相機快門介紹 常見的相機快門有「機械快門」(Mechanical Shutter) 和「電子快門」(Electronic Shutter)。傳統的機械快門可看成一道幕簾,但它有前、後之分。控制進光的時間就是控制前後簾的開合,例如當前簾打開時,光線會進入感元光件,曝光開始;當後簾閉上,光線將被遮擋,曝光...

【活動/社群聚會】Raspberry Pi 樹莓派社群聚會 #37 @2023/05/15 | Compute Module 使用案例

Raspberry Pi 樹莓派社群聚會 #37 講者和講題 RSVP:Raspberry Pi Meetup #37 The 37th the Raspberry Pi meetup, the topic is "A Case Study of Compute Module". Speaker 1: Alvin Topic:Case Study of NODE-RED Application in Energy Management Speaker 2: Vincent Topic: From Pi3B+, Pi4 to CM3, CM4: Practical Application Sharing of Raspberry Pi Lightning Talk:sosorry Topic:Introduction to Raspberry Pi G...
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